618 research outputs found

    Body Percussion and Memory for Elderly People Through the BAPNE Method

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    In this investigation, we present a study carried out on 38 elderly subjects aged 65 with the first signs of senile dementia, to whom the BAPNE method was applied in order to observe their cognitive stimulation. The study was focussed on activities carried out to stimulate executive functions and attention. The pre- and post-tests (eNB and Neglect) have shown evidence of a noticeable improvement in executive functions and changes due to decreased levels of the hormone cortisol. The state of flow of the participants was positive: the DFS-2 and FSS-2 tests carried out confirm a flow of activity with a clear sense of time being lost during the performing of the proposed exercises

    Fundamentos de la percusión corporal como recurso para la estimulación cognitiva, atención y memoria - Método BAPNE

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    En esta publicación fundamentamos el uso de la percusión corporal – Método BAPNE en relación a la atención, las bases de aprendizaje, el uso de la palabra con sus acentos prosódicos, su finalidad terapéutica y su valor antropológico. Con ello, deseamos plasmar los aspectos más importantes que potencia el uso de la percusión corporal en los diversos tipos de colectivos. Es por ello, que la estimulación de la atención en todas sus facetas es muy importante para poder realizar una clara estimulación cognitiva. Con esta investigación, deseamos plasmar las líneas maestras según la metodología BAPNE

    Evaluation criteria in the didactics of body percussion – the BAPNE Method

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    El método BAPNE presenta unos criterios específicos a la hora de evaluar el movimiento agrupados en cuatro grandes bloques denominados: coordinación psicomotora, aspectos cognitivos, aprendizaje en valores y desarrollo de la Inteligencias Múltiples. A partir de cada apartado se intentan clarificar los indicadores más representativos con el fin de ofrecerle a los docentes las herramientas básicas para su aplicación y evaluación en el aula.The BAPNE method presents specific criteria for evaluating movement that can be grouped into four large blocks, namely: psychomotor coordination, cognitive aspects, the learning of values and the development of Multiple Intelligences. Each section aims to clarify the most representative indicators with a view to offering educators the basic tools for its application and evaluation in the classroom

    Der Umlauf der spanischen Handschriften aus dem Antiquariat Leo Liepmannssohns in Paris und Berlin

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    One of the antique libraries most representative of the second half of the 19<sup>th</sup> century was that of Leo Liepmannssohn, with branches in Paris and Berlin. Its importance grew over time due to its auctions of many manuscripts by J. S. Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven and other composers, a fact that explains how the author came across it during his investigation into the referred manuscripts. The object of this investigation is a collection of more than 300 folders that can be consulted in the Music Department in the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin. The folders contain the annual catalogues from the antique library of Liepmannssohn (Berlin) comprising the years 1866 to 1923. Each catalogue consists of a list of all the sales from the corresponding year in alphabetical order and contains, besides manuscripts, literature, musical treatises and the portraits of several composers. There are many Spanish manuscripts included in these catalogues whose distribution was so important that in 1900 Liepmannssohn published an exclusive catalogue for Spanish and Portuguese manuscripts, 291 of which the librarian had sold during that year. During the celebration of those auctions many documents, musical treatises and manuscripts, both known and unknown, were brought to light. The investigation earned out contributes to our knowledge about the works of different Spanish composers from the 16<sup>th</sup> to the 19<sup>th</sup> centuries and their distribution abroad, especially in Berlin.<br><br>[de] Eines der repräsentativsten Antiquariate der zweiten Hälfte des XIX Jh. und des Anfangs des XX Jh. wurde von Leo Liepmannssohn in den Städten Paris und Berlin verwaltet. Durch die Versteigerung vieler Handschriften von J.S. Bach, Händel, Mozart, Beethoven und anderer Komponisten gewann das Antiquariat zusatzlich an Bedeutung. Deswegen ist es verstandlich, dass der Autor auf das Antiquariat stieß, als er Nachforschungen über den Umlauf dieser Handschriften anstellte. Der Forschungsgegenstand beinhaltet eine Sammlung von mehr als 300 Heften, die in der Musikabteilung der Staatsbibliothek PreuBischer Kulturbesitz zu Berlin einzusehen sind. Die Hefte umfassen die Jahreskataloge des Liepmannssohnschen Antiquariates (Berlin) der Jahre 1866 bis 1923. Jeder Katalog hat alie Verkäufe des jeweiligen Jahres in alphabetischer Reihenfolge aufgelistet und enthält neben Handschriften auch Literatur, Musikabhandlungen und Portraits verschiedener Komponisten. In diesen Katalogen sind sehr viele spanische Handschriften aufgeführt. Der Umlauf all dieser Handschriften ist so wichtig, dass Leo Liepmannssohn 1900 einen Katalog nur mit spanischen und portugiesischen Handschriften veroffendicht hat. In jenem Jahr hatte Liepmannssohn 291 spanische und portugiesische Handschriften versteigert. In diesen Versteigerungen tauchten bekannte - aber auch viele unbekannte - Dokumente, Handschriften und Musikabhandlungen auf. Durch diese Forschung wurden die Kenntnisse über Kompositionen verschiedener spanischer Komponisten des XVI. bis XIX. Jh. erweitert und im Ausland - speziell in Berlin - verbreitet

    The Use of Body Percussion in Contemporary Choral Music

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    Since the 20th century the body and the movement are at the center of music education thanks to the studies of pedagogists such as Dalcroze, Orff and to the philosopher Merleau-Ponty's study about perception, where music is no longer seen as a purely intellectual phenomenon, but a bodily experience. We see a growing interest in the body in composition as well: due to the timbre exploration that body percussion offers (as in VinkoGlobokar), and to a new ethnographic interest (as in Steve Reich). Aim of this research is to analyze the use of body percussion in contemporary classical choral music, and then to examine every composition in detail. The research compares different composers (TadejaVulc, Eric Whitacre, Ko Matsushita, LozjeLebič) relating to their place of birth, to the type of body percussion chosen, to the different expressive aim; considering the spreading interest in the moving body in choral live performances’ dramatization, the research shows the importance of body percussion in choral education, as well as in timbre exploration looking for more traditional sounds. The purpose of this study is also to give a foundation for future researches since this ground seems to be unexplored and in great development

    Singing Canons: A Didactic Suggestion, using BAPNE Method

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    Singing canons represent an extremely rich and interesting starting point for the development of music didactics, due to their historically known features of circularity and repetitiveness, their potential to be a socializing and cohesive element in group dynamics, their being relatively easy to memorize and their melodic and harmonic development and structure. Many collections and books present canons and rounds in which the singing of a canon comes with body percussion. What is actually missing today is a consolidated use of canons together with body percussion, in which the latter is not only intended as an accompaniment to the voice, but also fully appreciated in its biomechanical aspects and overall potential as far as cognitive and socio-emotional developments are concerned. This paper, using BAPNE method, aims at gradually improving and enhancing the involvement and the attention levels and strengthening short- and long-term memory, as well as concentration

    BAPNE Method, Developmental Dyslexia and Inclusive Education: Cognitive, Socio-Emotional and Psychomotor Stimulation in Secondary School. A Practical Resource for Education within a Cross Curriculum

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    The strong link between phonological awareness and musical rhythm is widely explored in scientific literature. Interventions based on rhythm are proved to be fundamental for reading and writing skills in dyslexic students. Recent studies highlight the close relation between executive functions and learning circumstances within the school context. Learning is a high cognitive function and involves the socio-emotional processes, the motivational aspects related to reward, self-efficacy, self-esteem, empathy and also the acquisition of values. This study is focused on (1) phonological awareness and musical rhythm in developmental dyslexia; (2) current research on learning environment, executive functions and brain development during adolescence; (3) a practical proposal of inclusive education through body percussion activities – BAPNE Method for cognitive, socio-emotional and psychomotor stimulation within the context of the secondary school classes

    Body Percussion and Voice, Time and Pitch: An Exercise in “Singing BAPNE®” Methodologically Analyzed

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    In this paper we examine one exercise taken by the Singing BAPNE music education program, in order to find involvement in time and pitch perception. Musical tempo is marked with the presence of strong and weak accents alternately; this alternation, caused by loop patterns in the exercise, has influence in the expectations about upcoming events. Moreover, pitch is anchored to rhythmic setting on the beat and off the beat. Our objective is to structure the connection between body movement and the use of the voice in the exercise. This analysis highlights how loops combinations of body percussion and singed patterns, systematized through the BAPNE Method, are didactically involved in perception of time and in pitch-time relation skills of the students

    Singing BAPNE®: Body Percussion and Voice as a Didactic Element

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    The use of the voice and singing in the field of body percussion is one of the less studied aspects from a pedagogical point of view. This publication structures the pedagogical foundation of how to use the voice with the body percussion, according to an ethnomusicological base, in order to lay the foundation at an educational level. Through the Bapne Method we encourage the development of multiple intelligences with a precise foundation that leads to cognitive, social-emotional and psychomotor stimulation. As a result, “Singing Bapne” was born as a specific form of vocal and kinesthetic learning, structured into four levels of difficulty based on various rhythmical and melodical voices. This way of working comes from the body movement to which we add melodic parts, rich in onomatopoeic elements and scats

    Body Percussion and Team Building through the BAPNE Method

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    BAPNE Method is a method based on cognitive stimulation integrating music and movement through body percussion. The aim of this research is to explore its whole potential as a tool to build teams. Team building is a philosophy for work design, and since over two decades ago, it defends that obtaining a high performance and organizing efficiency is more useful to perceive employees as interdependent members in a team of work than individuals ones. From this viewpoint, this research advocates that BAPNE Method’s body percussion practice will have an impact on this vision of team work directly. For its own characteristics, body percussion stimulates ways of contact in movement, which ease social ties and, especially, promote group cohesion. Through social, body and, affective dimension; BAPNE Method is capable of developing a shared vision and a single aim, to stimulate team work identity and an atmosphere of trust; and finally, to improve individual communication and satisfaction levels in group tasks